Last weekend (Feb. 20th) we went to Riesel to visit Grampa Don, Grammy Rita, & Uncle D-Dub. BUT, in case you didn't read the last post..."My Mommy is a slacker!" and she didn't take any pictures while we were there. On the way there...Tyson decided to throw-up french fries & strawberry milk all over himself and the carseat on two different occassions. No, we did not give him these things together...he had strawberry milk at breakfast...and french fries in the truck that afternoon. I cleaned him up the first time...and then Scott cleaned him, and the carseat the second time. The decision was made to just put him back in the truck without a new outfit...so we would have atleast one clean outfit to change him into.

As you can see...He was "just miserable." I think Daddy and Mommy were in worse shape from the smell of old french fries and strawberry milk. In case this was not enough...on the way back to Port Neches...I got the stomach virus and without going into any more detail than that (apparently it is not as cute when you are an adult)...it was a LONG ride home...I was in bed by 7pm and stayed in bed ALL DAY Sunday...oh yea...Happy Birthday Weekend to me. hee hee hee